How to use UniqueIDGenSvc

A Service to generate unique identifiers can be used with the following inputs:

  • Event number, Run number and Algorithm name

  • Seed number: set in the options python file

To set a seed for the UniqueIDGenSvc, add the following to an options file:

from Configurables import UniqueIDGenSvc
UniqueIDGenSvc().Seed = 987654321

Declare the service in the header file:

#include <k4FWCore/IUniqueIDGenSvc.h>

SmartIF<IUniqueIDGenSvc> m_service;

Initialize the service:

StatusCode SomeGaudiAlgorithm::initialize() {
  m_service = serviceLocator()->service("UniqueIDGenSvc");

Then use the service during execution:

StatusCode MarlinProcessorWrapper::execute(const EventContext&) const {
  m_service->getUniqueID(1, 2, name());