Building Key4hep using Spack: For Developers

Using spack to develop software is somewhat pushing its intended usage to its limits. However, it is not impossible and this is an area of spack that is currently under active development. Unfortunately, this also means that the spack documentation might not be fully up-to-date on these topics. Hence, this page tries to collect some of the experiences the Key4hep developers have made.


To obtain and setup spack take a look at Setting up Spack.

Spack set up

For a standalone spack installation where we are happy to install all the dependencies the link above will suffice. However, it is possible to use the key4hep stack from cvmfs that has all the dependencies installed and only install the packages that we want to work on. For that, it is important to reproduce the environment that was used for building whatever release we are going to use. Otherwise spack will see that we have different versions of packages and will try to compile and install more than what we need. As explained here, there are three files that are provided with each release or nightly, that we need to use. Let’s say we want to use the nigthly for 2023-07-18. Then the first thing we do is source the nightly:

source /cvmfs/

And then we clone spack and key4hep-spack, set up the environment and the upstream installation, and the latest build from scratch (that we have to find manually for now using, for example, find -iname .scratch), in this case it happens to be 2023-06-24):

git clone --depth 1
git clone
cd key4hep-spack
git checkout $(cat $rel/.key4hep-spack-commit)
cd ..
cd spack
git checkout $(cat $rel/.spack-commit)
source $rel/.cherry-pick
cd ..
source spack/share/spack/
spack env activate key4hep-spack/environments/key4hep-nightly
spack config add "upstreams:nightly:install_tree: $rel"
spack config add "upstreams:nightly-scratch:install_tree: $latest_scratch"

And now we should have exactly the same version of spack and key4hep-spack that was used to make the build, so the number of dependencies that spack tries to install should be the minimum: it should find all the dependencies (in practice this may not be the case but it should find most of them).

Developing a single package

When only developing on a single package it is possible to use the dev-build command of spack. A brief tutorial can be found in the spack documentation. There is also a dedicated channel on slack (to get an invitation, visit where questions regarding the development workflow can be discussed. It allows to build a given package directly from local sources in the same way as spack does it, and even makes this package available to other packages in the same way it does packages that have been installed by spack directly. Here we will use LCIO as an example since it can be installed without (or with only one) dependency.

As a first step let’s have a look at what installing lcio with spack would entail. Note that we explicitly disable the ROOT dictionaries in order to limit the number of dependencies

spack spec -Il lcio ~rootdict
Input spec
 -   lcio~rootdict


 -   vdwx2aq  lcio@2.16%gcc@9.3.0~examples~ipo~jar~rootdict build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=17 arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-skylake
[+]  utzbuq7      ^cmake@3.16.3%gcc@9.3.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt patches=1c540040c7e203dd8e27aa20345ecb07fe06570d56410a24a266ae570b1c4c39,bf695e3febb222da2ed94b3beea600650e4318975da90e4a71d6f31a6d5d8c3d arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-skylake
[+]  pljbs5a      ^sio@0.0.4%gcc@9.3.0+builtin_zlib~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=17 arch=linux-ubuntu20.04-skylake

In this configuration lcio has only two dependencies, sio and cmake, which are both already installed in this case. If these dependencies are not yet installed, spack will automatically install them for you when using the dev-build command.

Installing a local version with dev-build

In order to install a local version of LCIO with spack, first we have to clone it into a local directory

git clone

Now we can install this local version via

spack dev-build lcio@master ~rootdict

This should install lcio and all dependencies that are not yet fulfilled, giving you the full output of all the build stages ending on something like the following

==> lcio: Successfully installed lcio-master-7dovpqn3kscbg672ham5wcqro7lg45gh
  Fetch: 0.00s.  Build: 1.62s.  Total: 1.62s.
[+] /home/tmadlener/work/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu20.04-skylake/gcc-9.3.0/lcio-master-7dovpqn3kscbg672ham5wcqro7lg45gh

Note, that it is necessary to specify a single concrete version here for lcio. We use @master. This version has to be one that is already available for the package (use spack info to find out which ones are available) and cannot be an arbitrary version. It also does not necessarily have to correspond to the actual version of the source code you are currently installing. However, it is of course encouraged to use a meaningful version specifier, since this package should also be useable as desired by dependent packages.

Using the local version as dependency

Now that the local version has been installed, it would of course be nice to be able to use it in downstream packages as well. As far as spack is concerned, a package that has been built from local sources is not really different from one that has been built from automatically downloaded sources. The main difference is that the fact that it has been built from local sources manifests in the spec

spack find -lv lcio

will yield something like

==> 1 installed package
-- linux-ubuntu20.04-skylake / gcc@9.3.0 ------------------------
7dovpqn lcio@master~examples~ipo~jar~rootdict build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=17 dev_path=/home/tmadlener/work/ILCSoft/LCIO

As you can see the local path from which this version was installed has become part of the spec for the installed package (the dev_path=... part of the spec above). Hence, also the hash is affected by the fact that it has been built from a local source.

To use this specific version as a dependency the usual spack syntax can be used, e.g.

spack install marlin ^lcio/7dovpqn

will install marlin but use the version of lcio that we have just built locally.

More advanced usage

Note: If you have installed lcio following the description above you might have to uninstall it again first to follow these instructions, because spack will not overwrite an already installed package.

The above instructions only dealt with installing a package from a local source, but not how to easily get a development environment allowing for a quick edit, compile cycle. This can be achieved by using the --drop-in and the --before/--until arguments of the dev-build command:

spack dev-build --drop-in bash --until cmake lcio@master ~rootdict

This command will first install all necessary dependencies, then run the install process for lcio until after the cmake stage and then drop you into a new bash shell with the proper build environment setup. It will also setup a build folder, which follows the naming scheme spack-build-${hash}, in this case: spack-build-7dovpqn. To compile lcio simply go into this directory and run make in there

cd spack-build-7dovpqn
make -j4

You are now in an environment where you can easily edit the local source code and re-compile afterwards.

Once all the development is done, it is still necessary to install everything to the appropriate location. This installation has to be registered in the spack database as well. Hence, simply calling make install in the build directory will not do the trick. Another call to dev-build is necessary.

cd .. # go back to the source directory where you started
spack dev-build lcio@master ~rootdict

This will run the whole chain again, but it will not overwrite the build directory. Hence, it will not recompile everything again, but simply install all the build artifacts to the appropriate location. spack find -lv lcio can be used to check if the installation was successful.

NOTE: You are probably still in the build environment at this stage. To return back to you original shell simply type exit.

Developing multiple packages or dependencies of other packages

Developing on many packages simultaneously using the dev-build command can become cumbersome and doesn’t really scale.

Using an environment to setup all dependencies

One way to develop on multiple packages simultaneously can be to setup an environment that contains the dependencies of all packages.

As an example the following definition of an environment has been used to develop on podio, EDM4HEP and some other packages.

    - python
    - root@6.20.04 +davix+gsl+math~memstat+minuit+mlp~mysql+opengl~postgres~pythia6+pythia8+python~qt4+r+root7+rootfit+rpath~shadow+sqlite+ssl~table+tbb+threads+tmva+unuran+vc+vdt+vmc+x+xml+xrootd build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=17 patches=22af3471f3fd87c0fe8917bf9c811c6d806de6c8b9867d30a1e3d383a1b929d7
    - dd4hep +geant4
    - geant4
    - heppdt
    - hepmc@2.06.10
    - tricktrack
    - py-pyyaml
    - py-jinja2
    - cmake
    - pythia8
    - evtgen
  concretization: together
  view: true
      compiler: [gcc@9.3.0]
      variants: cxxstd=17

Assuming this is the content of edm4hep_devel.yaml an environment can be created, activated, concretized and installed with the following commands:

spack env create edm4hep-devel edm4hep_devel.yaml
spack env activate -p edm4hep-devel
spack concretize
spack install

After an environment has been installed, it can easily be activated via

spack env activate -p edm4hep-devel

which immediately drops you in an environment with all the packages stated in the environment file above available and properly set up. Developing packages that depend on these should then be straight forward, especially for properly setup CMake based projects that can automatically find and configure their dependencies.

The disadvantage of this approach is that the packages you want to develop on have to be on the top of the stack and if they depend on each other, you still have to properly handle these dependencies on your own.

Environments and a development workflow

Recently spack gained the ability to setup environments and specify multiple packages that you would like to develop on (See spack/spack#256). It is not yet really documented and it is not yet fully optimized, but it allows for a decent development experience if your package is not too deep down in the stack. It is not impossible to develop on packages deep down the software stack, but this can imply frequently recompiling large parts of the software stack, since spack does not yet handle this in the best way, but instead builds all packages that you are not developing on from scratch. Hence, even if a simple relinking would have done the trick, spack will still build a lot of packages again. Nevertheless, the feature is in a usable state and this section briefly describes how to use it. Especially if you mainly develop on one package but sometimes want to check whether the rest of the stack, that depends on this package still compiles with the latest version, this can be a very useful workflow.

As an example we will be using the k4simdelphes package that depends on edm4hep, which in turn depens again on podio. Suppose we want to change podio and edm4hep and see if k4simdelphes still compiles and works. We would then use an environment definition file similar to the usual environments. For this example it has the following content

    - k4simdelphes
  concretization: together
  view: false
       compiler: [gcc@9.3.0]
       variants: cxxstd=17
      spec: podio@master +sio
      path: ../../../../../podio
      spec: edm4hep@master
      path: ../../../../../EDM4hep

The first part is the same as previously, but a new develop section containing information about the packages that should be developed on has been added. For each package there is a spec and a path field. The spec field tells spack which spec to build, while the path field tells spack where the source files are located. The path is relative to the $(prefix)/var/spack/environments/${environment-name} directory or an absolute path.

Assuming that you are currently in the directory that contains local spack installation, the following steps are necessary to create the development environment

git clone
git clone
spack env create my-development-env development_env_packages.yaml

where development_env_packages.yaml is the yaml file with the contents just described above.

It is now possible to activate this environment via

spack env activate -p my-development-env

To install all the packages, including the local versions of podio and edm4hep it is now enough to simply do spack installin the activated environment. This will build your local copies of podio and edm4hep and use these versions as dependencies for the k4simdelphes package. Changes can also be made to either of the two packages. To compile only one package without installing it yet, it is easiest to simply go to the directory where the sources are. There should now be a few spack related files and a spack build folder among the other source files


Here ${hash} is the same that you get from spack find -l package. After you have done all the necessary changes you can simply change into this build directory and run make to compile the package again. Once all your development is done and you want to install the package spack install will run the whole build chain again. This means that all the (local) development packages in your environment will only be recompiled as far as necessary, while all other packages that depend on the development packages will be re-built from scratch.

Once you are done developing, this environment can be used like any other environment simply by running spack env activate my-development-env to activate it.

Adding another package to develop

If you now realize that your changes to podio or edm4hep broke k4simdelphes and you need to also implement some changes there, you do not have to define a new environment. Instead it is possible to add k4simdelphes to the develop section via spack develop (assuming you are still in the activated environment and in the same directory where also the podio and edm4hep sources live)

git clone
spack develop --no-clone --path ../../../../../k4SimDelphes k4simdelphes@main

Here, the --path is again either relative to the environment directory inside spack. It could also be an absolute path. You now have to concretize the environment again before you can install the packages.

spack concretize -f
spack install

Now you can work on k4simdelphes in the same way as you can for podio or edm4hep. You can also check that the environment now indeed uses your local version of k4simdelphes via

spack find -lv k4simdelphes

which should now yield something along the lines of

==> In environment my-development-env
==> Root specs
------- k4simdelphes@main 

==> 1 installed package
-- linux-ubuntu20.04-broadwell / gcc@9.3.0 ----------------------
m5khm2w k4simdelphes@main~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo dev_path=/home/tmadlener/work/spack/var/spack/environments/test-devel-env/../../../../../k4SimDelphes

where the path to the local source files has now again become part of the spec as can be seen by the dev_path=... part of the spec.