Using the Key4hep-Stack for CLIC Simulation and Reconstruction
This assumes that you have access to an installation of the Key4hep-stack, either via CVMFS
or spack install
To setup the installation on cvmfs, do:
source /cvmfs/
These commands will explain how one can run the CLIC detector simulation and reconstruction using the Key4hep-Stack.
First we will obtain all the necessary steering and input files for CLIC, simulate a few events and run the
reconstruction both with Marlin
and k4run
. These steps can be adapted to simulate or run other Marlin
processors as well.
The CLICPerformance
repository contains the steering and input files.
git clone
Simulating a few events with ddsim
can produce output in EDM4hep or LCIO format.
To produce events in EDM4hep format one can run indicating
--outputFile <name>_edm4hep.root
to produce the output in such format:
cd CLICPerformance/clicConfig
ddsim --compactFile $K4GEO/CLIC/compact/CLIC_o3_v14/CLIC_o3_v14.xml \
--outputFile ttbar_edm4hep.root \
--steeringFile \
--inputFiles ../Tests/yyxyev_000.stdhep \
--numberOfEvents 3
To produce events in LCIO format one can run indicating
--outputFile <name>.slcio
to produce the output file in such format:
cd CLICPerformance/clicConfig
ddsim --compactFile $K4GEO/CLIC/compact/CLIC_o3_v14/CLIC_o3_v14.xml \
--outputFile ttbar.slcio \
--steeringFile \
--inputFiles ../Tests/yyxyev_000.stdhep \
--numberOfEvents 3
Reconstruction with Marlin
To run the reconstruction with Marlin
cd CLICPerformance/clicConfig
Marlin clicReconstruction.xml \
--InitDD4hep.DD4hepXMLFile=$K4GEO/CLIC/compact/CLIC_o3_v14/CLIC_o3_v14.xml \
--global.LCIOInputFiles=ttbar.slcio \
Reconstruction with Gaudi through k4MarlinWrapper
We can convert the xml
steering file to a Gaudi steering file (python):
cd CLICPerformance/clicConfig clicReconstruction.xml
Reconstruction can be performed with LCIO or EDM4hep input, depending on the output format of the events produced during Simulation.
Reconstruction with LCIO input
When using LCIO format for the input events to be used in reconstruction:
Modify the
file to point to thettbar.slcio
input file, and change theDD4hepXMLFile
parameter for theInitDD4hep
algorithm. In addition the two processors with the comment# Config.OverlayFalse
and# Config.TrackingConformal
should be enabled by uncommenting their line in thealgList
at the end of the file.
cd CLICPerformance/clicConfig
sed -i '1s/^/import os\n/'
sed -i 's;read.Files = \[".*"\];read.Files = \["ttbar.slcio"\];'
sed -i 's;EvtMax = 10,;EvtMax = 3,;'
sed -i 's;"MaxRecordNumber": ["10"],;"MaxRecordNumber": ["3"],;'
sed -i 's;# algList.append(OverlayFalse);algList.append(OverlayFalse);'
sed -i 's;# algList.append(MyConformalTracking);algList.append(MyConformalTracking);'
sed -i 's;# algList.append(ClonesAndSplitTracksFinder);algList.append(ClonesAndSplitTracksFinder);'
sed -i 's;# algList.append(RenameCollection);algList.append(RenameCollection);'
sed -i 's;"DD4hepXMLFile": \[".*"\],; "DD4hepXMLFile": \[os.environ["LCGEO"]+"/CLIC/compact/CLIC_o3_v14/CLIC_o3_v14.xml"\],;'
Then the reconstruction using the k4MarlinWrapper can be run with
cd CLICPerformance/clicConfig
Reconstruction with EDM4hep input
When using EDM4hep format for the input events to be used in reconstruction, refer to the EDM converters included with k4MarlinWrapper. Note that:
MarlinProcessorWrappers need input in LCIO format: EDM4hep collections need to be converted to LCIO
The output collections of MarlinProcessorWrappers may be used later by other algorithms:
Output collections of MarlinProcessorWrappers will be in LCIO format unless these are explicitly converted
Some MarlinProcessorWrappers may modify collections instead of producing new ones: the original EDM4hep collection won’t be updated in this case and would need conversion from LCIO to EDM4hep.
To run clicReconstruction with EDM4hep format, use the steering file found in the
folder of k4MarlinWrapper:k4MarlinWrapper/examples/
(this also gets installed to$K4MARLINWRAPPER/examples
in Key4hep releases)Change the line where
is defined to point to the location of your input file.At the bottom of the file, in the
parameters, changeEvtMax = 3,
to the number of events to run.
This can be run in the following way.
cd CLICPerformance/clicConfig
cp $K4MARLINWRAPPER/examples/ .
k4run --EventDataSvc.input ttbar_edm4hep.root
DD4hep Geometry Information
The MarlinDD4hep::InitializeDD4hep
processor can be replaced by the k4SimGeant4::GeoSvc
and the
the latter of which is part of the k4MarlinWrapper repository.
This requires removing the wrapped InitDD4hep
processor from the algList
and the two new processed be appended to the ExtSvc
argument in the ApplicationMgr
We will create another list, svcList
for this.
In the space following
import os
from Configurables import k4DataSvc, PodioInput
evtsvc = k4DataSvc('EventDataSvc')
evtsvc.input = os.path.join('$TEST_DIR/inputFiles/', os.environ.get("INPUTFILE", "ttbar_edm4hep.root"))
we can start the svcList
list and add the GeoSvc
and TrackingCellIDEncodingSvc
svcList = []
import os
from Gaudi.Configuration import INFO
from Configurables import GeoSvc, TrackingCellIDEncodingSvc
geoservice = GeoSvc("GeoSvc")
geoservice.detectors = [os.environ["K4GEO"]+"/CLIC/compact/CLIC_o3_v15/CLIC_o3_v15.xml"]
geoservice.OutputLevel = INFO
geoservice.EnableGeant4Geo = False
cellIDSvc = TrackingCellIDEncodingSvc("CellIDSvc")
cellIDSvc.EncodingStringParameterName = "GlobalTrackerReadoutID"
cellIDSvc.GeoSvcName =
cellIDSvc.OutputLevel = INFO
Then all that is left is to pass that to the ExtSvc
At the bottom of the file:
ApplicationMgr( TopAlg = algList,
EvtSel = 'NONE',
EvtMax = 3,
- ExtSvc = [evtsvc],
+ ExtSvc = svcList,