Standalone conversion from LCIO to EDM4hep
The lcio2edm4hep
executable reads LCIO (.slcio
) files and converts its
contents into EDM4hep. Each LCEvent
of the input file will be put into a
in the output file (under the events
category). The most basic
usage is simply
lcio2edm4hep <input.slcio> <output.edm4hep.root>
Patching missing collections on the fly
A major difference between LCIO and EDM4hep is that in LCIO an LCEvent
effectively have arbitrary contents, whereas in EDM4hep the assumption is that
each event consists of the same collections (even if some of them are empty).
Hence, it is necessary to either ensure that all events in the LCIO file have
the same contents or or to give lcio2edm4hep
some additional information such
that it can patch in potentially missing collections on the fly. This additional
information comes in the form of a third argument to lcio2edm4hep
and is
effectively a list of collection names and their types that comprise the
superset of all collections appearing in at least one event in the input LCIO
file. The format looks like this
name[:output-name] type-name[*]
Each collection is a single line containing the name first (including an
optional output name see below) and than its
type. An additional *
signifies a subset collection. The simplest form looks like this:
SETSpacePoints TrackerHit
RecoMCTruthLink LCRelation[ReconstructedParticle,MCParticle]
The easiest way to obtain such a file is to use the check_missing_cols
executable that comes with LCIO using the --minimal
flag. The output of this
can be directly consumed by lcio2edm4hep
Patching missing ParticleID information on the fly
EDM4hep also assumes that the ParticleID
objects that are attached to elements
of a ReconstructedParticle
are consistent, i.e. the same PID algo names have
been used throughout the processing. In order to guarantee this for the
conversion it is possible to attach missing information on the fly, the grammar
for this is
pid-algo-name reco-coll-name|[parameter-names[,param-names]]
This will use the (LCIO) PIDHandler
to add a PID algorithm with name
to the collection reco-coll-name
. Optionally if any parameter
names are present it will also set the parameter names for this PID algorithm.
This is only available from LCIO versions larger than v02-22-01
Patching LCRelation
For collections of LCRelation
type it is necessary to define the FromType
as well, as otherwise the converter will not be able to create the
correct edm4hep file. The check_missing_cols
executable will try to determine
these types from the collection parameters and will warn if it cannot do it for
certain collections. In this case it is the users responsibility to provide
the missing types as otherwise the conversion will simply skip these
collections, or potentially even crash.
Patching collections as subset collections
A single *
(star) after the type name tells the patching to flip the subset
collection flag for a newly created collection. This can be necessary for
producing consistent outputs in EDM4hep. As an example
FTD_STRIPCollection SimTrackerHit*
will create a SimTrackerHit
subset collection with the name FTD_STRIPCollection
This is only available from LCIO versions larger than v02-22-03
Get the patch file
check_missing_cols --minimal \
/pnfs/ \
> patch.txt
Pass it to
lcio2edm4hep \
/pnfs/ \
Output.root \
Converting only a subset of collections
Using the same mechanism as for patching collections it is also possible to only
convert a subset of all available collections. lcio2edm4hep
uses the contents
of the colltypefile
to determine the contents of the output. If that contains
only a subset of all collections, only that subset will be converted. Missing
collections will still be patched in, in this case.
Renaming collections on the fly
The optional [:output-name]
part of each collection can be used to remap the
names of the collections in the input LCIO file to a different name in the
output EDM4hep file, e.g.
MCParticle:MCParticles MCParticle
will read the MCParticle
collection from the input file but store it as
in the output file.
Library usage of the conversion functions
The conversion functions are designed to also be usable as a library. The overall design is to make the conversion a two step process. Step one is converting the data and step two being the resolving of the relations and filling of subset collection.
Converting collection (data)
The main entry point is convertCollection
which will automatically dispatch to
the correct conversion function depending on the type information that is stored
in the input LCCollection
. It is also possible to access the individual
conversion functions for each type. All of the conversion functions take a map
of LCIO to EDM4hep objects of their specific type that will be filled during the
conversion. for convenience all necessary maps are bundled in the
Handling relations
Once all necessary collections have been converted, it is necessary to resolve
the relations between the objects. This is done using the resolveRelations
function. This will again dispatch to the correct relation resolving function
for the corresponding types, which can obviously also be invoked directly.
Handling of subset collections
Subset collections are handled similar to relations using the function
. Internally this simply forwards to handleSubsetColl
handles all the type details and can obviously also be used directly.
Handling of LCRelation
only exist in LCIO and their conversion is limited to what is
available in EDM4hep. They use the "FromType"
and "ToType"
parameters to get the necessary type information.
The LinkCollections in EDM4hep are then created using createLinks
Converting entire events
Converting an entire event can be done calling the convertEvent
. This can also
be used as an example to guide the implementation of custom conversions using
the available functionality.
Converting Event parameters
This can be done by calling convertObjectParameters
that will put all the event parameters into the passed podio::Frame
Subtle differences between LCIO and EDM4hep
There are a few small differences between LCIO and EDM4hep that shine through in the conversion, these are:
are part of the SimCalorimeterHits in LCIO while being their own data type in EDM4hep. They are created bycreateCaloHitContributions
.The event information like an event number is part of the
in LCIO. In EDM4hep there is a separate EventHeader Collection. It can be created usingEventHeaderCollection
which is stored under the name"EventHeader"
.Particle IDs are converted during the conversion of the the reconstructed Particle collection.
Example for a ReconstructedParticle Collection
#include "k4EDM4hep2LcioConv/k4Lcio2EDM4hepConv.h"
// the struct defined in the header file is used for the maps linking Lcio particles
// to their EDM counterparts.
auto typeMapping = LcioEdmTypeMapping{};
// We assume that this is a collection of ReconstructedParticles!
LCEVENT::LCCollection* lcCollection;
// Convert the data
auto edmCollections = convertReconstructedParticle("name",
// Resolve relations (only converted objects will be available)
// This has to be called at the very end, after all collection data has been
// converted